"I am drawn to bright colours as they transfer the energy I wish to convey, and the enthusiasm for celebrating landscape. Colour and tone is explored, changed and manipulated.
Growing up in New Zealand, adventure and landscape was a part of daily life. A move to Australia over the last 6 years has allowed myself to travel Australia and reach out to places like Margaret river, Byron Bay, Esperance, Cairns which offer this outlet, as well as local city settings with acombination of tree’s lakes and open places. I am interested how people interact with nature in an urban setting, and the importance of accessing these places within a city.
Plein air painting (painting from life) is a process I regularly practice. Using this process I record a direct response to my environment, recording this experience with often thick paint and bright colour. Interaction with people heightens the painting experience and influences
The painting outcome which is more unknown when in comparison to working from within the studio and from photograph.
Recent works see dripping paint within the picture and an introduction of figures creating an emotive narrative. I am currently working on various themes, while travelling nationally and internationally, including an investigation into road signage, Poetry, and the practice described above"